7 Breathing Exercises for Healthy Heart

Breathing exercises for healthy heart help in a lot of ways to regain and retrieve a sense of calmness. There are numerous benefits of breathing exercises for healthy heart as proper breathing helps to soothe the stressed out and sleep-deprived body and mind. 

Breathing exercises for healthy heart contribute an efficiently attainable solution to energy slumps. Anxiety, stress, and inadequate cardiovascular health contribute to reduced energy levels. Regular practice of breathing exercises improves stamina, lowers stress, and enhances heart health. 

Breathing Exercises for Healthy Heart


Breathing exercises for healthy heart are among the best techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in the body. This is because deep breathing conveys a message to the brain to relax and calm down. After that, the brain conveys this message to the body. Deep breathing soothes high blood pressure, fast breathing, and increased heart rate. 

The positive results of breathing exercises for healthy heart have been proven by scientists.

Breathing exercises cause the following developments in the body:

  • The abdominal cavity is caressed 
  • Respiratory metabolism is improved
  • Maximum oxygen is received by the heart and blood cells
  • The volume of the lungs is enhanced
  • The nervous system is pacified
  • Artificial hypoxia is produced for the improvement of inhalation
  • Heart rate is regulated
  • Blood contents in the heart are developed
  • Exercise of the cardiovascular system

Here are some breathing exercises for a healthy heart:

1. Sama Vritti or Equal Breathing

Equal breathing is also termed as Sama Vritti in Sanskrit. This technique of breathing concentrates on obtaining the inhales and exhales of equal length. Equal breathing is among the best breathing exercises for healthy heart as it helps in bringing stability and equanimity. 

Equal breathing is mainly useful before bed. According to Rebecca Pacheco, a yoga instructor, this exercise works similar to counting sheep. She further adds that equal breathing helps in taking the mind away from the racing thoughts or whatsoever is distracting. 

For this exercise, lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Count through every inhale and exhales to be sure that there is uniformity in the duration.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation, also known as PMR, is anxiety and stress reduction technique. This breathing exercise for healthy heart reduces the symptoms of several chronic disorders and insomnia. PMR was first introduced in the 1930s, by Edmund Jacobson, an American physician. This relaxation technique combines alternating tension and stress, and relaxation in the major muscle groups of the body. 

For this exercise, close the eyes and concentrate on tensing and easing every muscle group for a few seconds. Begin with the feet and toes. After that, move up to the thighs, knees, glutes, hands, arms, chest, jaw, neck, and eyes. Try to maintain slow and deep breathing. 

3. Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is one of the best breathing exercises for healthy heart. This exercise helps to reduce shortness of breath by restricting oxygen from getting confined in the lungs. Deep breathing encourages a centered and relaxed mind and body. 

For this exercise, while sitting or standing, move the elbows backward slightly to allow the chest to expand. After that, take a deep breath through the nose. Hold the breath for a count of five and then gently release the breath by exhaling by the nose.

4. Nadi Shodhana or The Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril breathing is also termed as Nadi Shodhana pranayama in Sanskrit. This breathing exercise for healthy heart is a way for relaxation. Alternate nostril breathing improves cardiovascular function and lowers the heart rate. 

For this exercise, sit in a comfortable position and lift the right hand toward the nose. Press the first and middle fingers downward toward the palm and leave the other fingers extended. Use the right thumb to close the right nostril. Inhale deeply through the left nostril and after that release the thumb, and close the left nostril with the right ring finger and pinky finger. Continue this breathing pattern for a few minutes. 

5. Pursed Lip Breathing

Pursed lip breathing is an easy breathing technique that reduces the pace of breathing. This breathing exercise can be practiced at any time. Exercising pursed-lip breathing for four to five times can correct the breathing pattern.

For this exercise, relax the shoulders and neck. Inhale gently through the nose for a count of two. Purse or contract the lips and exhale gently by blowing air through the pursed or contract lips for a count of four. 

6. Diaphragmatic Breathing

There are two types of breathing, shallow or chest breathing and belly or diaphragmatic breathing. In chest breathing, air goes only in the upper portions of the lungs, so less amount of oxygen is received. But in diaphragmatic breathing, the air comes through the nose and provides oxygen to the lungs and the abdomen expands. 

For this exercise, lie down on the back with the knees bent and place a pillow under the head. Place one hand on the abdomen to feel the breath. Inhale slowly through the nose and let the abdomen expand completely. Then exhale through the mouth. Repeat this exercise for five to ten minutes. 

7.  Lion’s Breath

This breathing exercise for healthy heart is known as Simhasana in Sanskrit. It is an energizing yoga breathing technique that reduces stress and tension. 

For this exercise, sit in a comfortable position and press the palm on the knees, with the fingers widespread. Inhale through the nose and open the mouth wide to stick out the tongue. Try to bring the tip of the tongue down towards the chin. Narrow the muscles of the throat and exhale out through the mouth by producing a long “ha” sound. Repeat this exercise two to three times a day. 



Deep breathing is one of the best precautions against daily stress, existential anxiety, and anguish, and frustration. By mastering the art of inhaling and exhaling, a person can regain and retrieve a sense of calmness. This further can help in preventing heart disease and improve heart health.

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